
One month from today I will be 25. Twenty five. A quarter of a century.

If you were to ask me 10 years ago what my life at 25 would be like, I am 150% certain my answers wouldn’t come remotely close to mirroring reality. Ten years ago I wanted to move to New York City, work in fashion and live in an apartment that I most definitely could not afford given my fifteen-year-old expensive tastes and out of touch thinking regarding budgets, bills, and paychecks.

At 15, 25 seemed like finite adulthood; I’d be married with plans to have my first child at 27 and second by 30. Twenty five was a bright, distant future that I couldn’t wait to get to. I knew with every fiber of my being all my dreams would have come true. Twenty five meant I would have everything I ever wanted.

Boy, could I have not been more wrong.

In reality, 25 doesn’t look anything like the picture I painted for myself 10 years ago. At 25, I live in Baltimore with a strictly platonic roommate. I don’t work in fashion, I work in marketing for a commercial real estate firm. I’m not married nor do I have kids or plans for children in my immediate future. Quite frankly, I am no where near being ready to make that kind of life change.

I may not consider myself an adult, but I am proud of the fact I pay my own bills and I am well on my way to establishing a great career. My friends may not be large in quantity, but quality wise they are some of the best friends a girl could ask for. My roommate may be a strictly platonic roommate, but I wouldn’t want to live with anyone else.

Lately I have been dreading my birthday more than usual, but if I think about it, I’m not entirely sure why. I already feel older than 25 sometimes, and 25 (despite all my dramatic protests about being one step away from menopause) really isn’t old at all. It’s still the beginning.

I think my problem isn’t that I don’t want to turn 25, it’s that I don’t want to say goodbye to the 24-year-old me. Twenty four has been one of the best years of my life.

Twenty four has lead me to some amazing people, places and memories. I have never had a better birthday than my 24th (it was at a winery after all.) I have never laughed harder, worked better or owned a seriously amazing boot collection than during year 24. After 23 was such a clusterfuck, I am not ready to let go of what has truly been the best year of my life.

If I could freeze time at 24, I would. Maybe. But then again, 25 can and probably will be even better, and it’s going to get here whether or not I like it. So I better buckle up, enjoy my last month of 24-hood and get ready for all 25 has in store.

I’m definitely ready. I think.

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Favorite Things

My lack of blogging (and writing) these days is absolutely ridiculous. Case in point, I originally spelled writing “wirting.” And I once considered myself a solid speller sans spell check. This is what happens when you ignore your skills in favor of wine I guess.

While I haven’t been blogging much … OK at all… over the past few months, I have been living quite a bit. Certain life experiences have been amazing, others have been amazingly tragic, but all in all I wouldn’t trade this summer for anything. In fact it may be the best summer I have ever had. And I have had some pretty great summers.

My tan courtesy of Jergens has been mostly replaced by a real one thanks to beach trips, amazing pool access, and one fabulous roofdeck. I have finally traveled to Virginia, spent a Fourth of July in Baltimore, and taken full advantage of all this city has to offer. I look forward to what the rest of this warm weather will bring, and am (almost) ready for fall. It is the best season around. And I’m not just saying that because it’s my birthday season.

Actually I am saying that despite the fact it’s my birthday season. Homegirl turns 25 this year. That is a milestone I am not looking forward to (cue quarter-century life crisis.)

Maroon 5, “It Was Always You”

I’ll be honest, I miss the days when Maroon 5 played actual music versus very catchy auto tune. That being said, Adam Levine and his sexiness (now that the tragic blonde hair is gone) can do no wrong in my eyes or ears, and I am kind of in to this song. Not their best by any means, but I won’t pretend I haven’t listened to it four times in the past half hour.

Mindy Kaling

6fb116a712fe058da786166abd4cd6d1Fun fact: this girl is my spirit animal. This is not an exaggeration. This is the stone cold, hard reality of my life. Reading her book was like peering in to my funny, stylish, imaginary Indian twin soul. The only part we didn’t mesh on was Mindy’s path of dating white, Jewish men. Ask any of my friends, this is a deal breaker for me. As a Jew, I already have four Jewish mothers in my life. I don’t need another one trying to feed me diet cheese while laying on the guilt.

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Favorite Things

So apparently I haven’t blogged in five months……

What the what?! I’m sorry I thought it had been five minutes. MAYBE five days. But certainly not five months.
That being said, it has been a crazy five months. I moved to super cute new house, with a super cute new roommate and a super cute new pup (if you can’t tell I think it’s super cute.) I survived the coldest winter of my entire life, started doing some freelance graphic design work, increased my alcohol intake, grew my shoe collection, went on vacation and did not get a tan, and am now approaching the two-year mark of graduating college and starting my job…. Gulp.

However, I promised myself I wouldn’t ignore my writing or this blog. Hopefully I’ll do better this summer. Though I think you all know me well enough to know I probably won’t.

“J. Crew Meets Hipster” Attire


It’s safe to say I have always had an eclectic, fluctuating style. And while fitted and black has been and always will be my favorite to wear, lately I have really been rocking what I call “J. Crew meets Hipster.” The picture above is a perfect example. Green field jacket, white skinny jeans, gold and neutral accessories.  Clean and classic, with a dash of comfort. It’s just as “complicated” to throw on as a hoodie and sweats. And you look infinitely better.

White Nails and Midi Rings

3dd1b0aaf1779699f1f633c0283a5f03I love these reverse french manicure white and gold nails. That, in combination with gold midi rings and a good tan, makes this the perfect summer look.

“Dreams” by Dana Williams ft. Leighton Meester

Trying to chose one song to share out of five months worth of music is torture. It’s like asking a parent to pick their favorite child. However, considering I nearly burnt out my office speakers listening to this Fleetwood Mac cover on repeat, it seemed like a solid share. Hope you enjoy.

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Favorite Things

Only this girl would actually register/pay for a brand new (and totally fabulous, if you ask me) blog domain, and spend more time thinking about writing Favorite Things posts and how I want to share this song, and that nail polish color… versus writing a blog on a site that I am actively paying for. Oh well, inspired beggars can’t be choosers, right?  Guess I shouldn’t be complaining too much; no posts on Never a Bridesmaid means no horribly tragic dates (well, none that I want to talk about anyway.)

Denim Jacket, Black Skinnies, Striped Tee, Statement Necklace

afe4c037b92463266bf3d2ee3b14efbaIf someone asked me to describe my winter outfit of choice, it would 100% be the ensemble showcased in the above photo. Perfect for work, brunch, errands, or a date, it’s both stylish and comfortable, and a staple in my everyday life…. including today’s outfit. Sorry I’m not sorry.

Jalapeno Margaritas


It’s no secret that I am a fan of margaritas/tequila in general, but ever since Vanderpump Rules has come back on the air and my obsession with the TV show has gone into full force again, my incessant craving for a jalapeno margarita from SUR has been on another level. After some intense Pinteresting, this recipe from Love and Lemons seems to be as delicious as the ones served at SUR (not that I have had either to make an accurate judgement.) Maybe that’s because I’m hoping if I close my eyes and wish hard enough, I’ll simply end up in LA at SUR with Stassi, sipping jalapeno margarita and being extra fabulous.

Dena Deadly, “Raise Your Glass”

Speaking of Vanderpump Rules, I am equally obsessed with the show’s theme song as I with everything else Vanderpump Rules related. Why does this show only air three months of the year?! Unacceptable. As Stassi would say, it makes me want to gouge my own eyes and and stab someone with a butcher knife… it’s that frustrating.

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2014, The Year of Big Dreams

I wasn’t sure if I was going to get another post up by the end of the year (with the holidays and what not, it’s almost impossible to commit to writing a sentence without getting distracted by a shiny outfit, a vodka soda or a family member), but as I was browsing Pinterest at 4 a.m. this morning unable to sleep, I came across a photo that stopped me in my Pinning tracks.


Why? I couldn’t tell you, because typically speaking I usually get stopped by shiny outfits and vodka sodas. Maybe I’m feeling extra verbose these days, maybe I like a challenge. Either way, I wanted to have a written record of my answers, so 365+ days from now I can look back and see just how inaccurate I was  😉

A Bad Habit I Am Going to Break: 

In 2014, I want to stop assuming the worst in people. I’m not saying I assume everyone is an evil bitch or out to get me, but I have a problem of letting past relationships and experiences cloud my judgement for future life decisions. Not everyone is going to screw me over, not everyone is a ticking time bomb waiting to explode or going to let me down. I need to start giving people what I expect, the benefit of the doubt until it’s not deserved. It’s probably my least favorite quality I have, and while it’s not totally my fault, because it’s very hard to let go of past experiences when they seem to continually happen, it’s something I very much want to walk away from and already have started, so let’s hope the trend of positivity only continues.

A New Skill I’d Like to Learn:

Patience. In 2013 I learned to “let go,” so to speak, and not be so concerned with what other’s think of me or that I need to plan every little detail of my life. In fact, the more I let go and give up control, the more fun my life is…. not going to lie, causing trouble (in a good way) is sooooo much more fun than trying to stop it. In 2014, I’d like to become more patient, in relationships, in friendships, at work, and…. in baking. I can barely manage a roll of cookie dough without getting antsy sometimes.

A Person I Hope to Be More Like:

This is a tough one to answer. Not because I don’t idolize every single important person in my life for one reason or another, but because I don’t know how you’re supposed to pick just one person you want to be more like. If I being completely honest, I would like to be more like me in 2014. With every year, I feel as if I grow more into the person I want to be versus the person I am, so if that growth could continue, I would be thrilled.

A Good Deed I’m Going to Do:

I’m going to make a bigger effort with my parents in 2014. It’s no secret to those close to me, and to those who are not, that, at best, my parents and I have a strained and fucked up relationship. And while I am 150% sure I do not know what I want from my parents, I can at least give them credit for being on their best behavior now, versus just automatically assuming shit is going to hit the fan. While shit usually does hit the fan, if they are going to put themselves out there, I can at least manage to be nice.

A Place I’d Like to Visit: 

Does all of Europe count? Because I would like to go everywhere I haven’t been and everywhere I have. But this year, if I can cross Birthright off my list (aka a free trip to Israel), that would be pretty sweet.

A Book I’d Like to Read:

For this answer, I already have the book downloaded on my iPad ready to go, I just need to get around to it. I would like to read the Divergent series, especially before the movie comes out. I would also like to read The Fault in Our Stars, again before the movie comes out, and finally get around to reading The Help. I guess to read a new book, I need to stop rereading The Time Traveler’s Wife and The Hunger Games trilogy. Maybe.

A Letter I Am Going to Write:

I can’t tell you the last time I put pen to paper and wrote a letter. In fact, the only person I can recall writing an actual letter this year is my stepmom, who has had the same pen pal for 20 years. Maybe this year I will write a love letter. Or a friendship letter. Or a letter to me. But let’s be serious… by letter, I probably mean email, blog or text. #21stcenturyproblems

A New Food I’d Like to Try:

This year I became a convert to raw tuna and oysters, so I’m not entirely sure what food to add to this list. I could always try to get over my strong aversion to raw tomatoes and mayonnaise. Does that count? Not that I see myself getting over that food hatred, but the thought should still count.

I’m Going to Do Better At:

Being decisive. No further explanation going to happen. I’m not going to sell the idea, to you or me. It’s going to happen. Decision made.

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Favorite Things

I say this all the time, but I can’t believe 2013 is almost over. Where has the year gone?! Personally, I still am not over the fact that I am no longer in college, so to think I “survived” 23 and my first full year as an adult (a term I am using verrrry loosely) blows my mind.

This year has been one of major growth and change, and while I feel a little bit like I am suffering from a self-diagnosed case of 23rd year of life PTSD, all and all it was pretty great. That being said, I have a feeling 2014 is going to blow 2013 out of the water, and I am very much looking forward to seeing what the next 12 months brings. As of right now, I have a move to a new neighborhood and my standard trip to Florida planned, and all of that is happening by the end of February…. so imagine what the rest of the year has in store. I’m excited to find out!

Before we kiss this year goodbye, I want to share my favorite things from this holiday season. The magic of the holidays is always fleeting, so any excuse to stop and smell the Christmas trees is a good one.

Mariah Carey, “All I Want for Christmas Is You”

Is there anything better than this? As a Jew, we don’t really have any spectacular holiday songs, so maybe that’s why I am addicted to this one. But realistically, it’s because it’s amazing. Mariah Carey is diva enough to begin with, but when you mix in a little holiday magic and A LOT of glitter, you get pure Christmas deliciousness. Don’t lie, you know you love it too.

Gilded Eyes & Deep Lips

tumblr_mvsym76dUC1r309p1o1_500This year I decided to get fancy with my makeup and branch out into deep red lipstick territory… and I have to say, I kind of loved it. Nothing dresses up an outfit or makes you feel a little slutty quite like a good tube of red lipstick, so for anyone wanting to feel adventurous this holiday season, I highly recommend taking the plunge into bold lip color land.

Zooey Deschanel & Joesph Gordon-Levitt, “What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve?”

Three years later, I am still obsessed with the adorableness that is this song. The combination of Zooey Deschanel’s quirkiness with JGL’s hotness, all tied together with an acoustic holiday ribbon, is almost too much for me to handle. Almost.

Starbucks Christmas Cups

tumblr_mdus69J9NB1rig7vyo1_500Everyone has their own measure for the beginning of the holiday season. For me, it’s when Starbucks rolls out their holiday marketing. Nothing makes an overpriced peppermint mocha taste quite as good as a red cup. I know it’s technically the exact same cup as their white ones, but I swear it’s more delicious this way. Because it is.

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Favorite Things

Ok kiddos… I have an announcement to make. I have been cheating on you all with another blog project.

I know, I know. How could I?!

Well honestly, as attached as I am to this blog, I felt a little burnt out writing “Favorite Things” after “Favorite Things” (homegirl can only blog about nail polish so many times,) and wanted to explore a different insane facet of my life.

But clearly I can’t 100% stay away, since I launched the new site two days ago and have already come crawling back for another Friday Favorite Things.

I must say, I have missed them.

The Neighbourhood, “Sweater Weather”

I really cannot get enough of this song, which is apparent by the fact that I have probably listened to it over 50 times this week, and may or may not have woken up singing it to myself this morning (it happened, don’t judge.) I’m really excited to check out the rest of this album and hear the rest of their musical gems. You know, once I stop obsessing over this one.

Cobalt Blue Mani

87f164cd17f150ab824d9b1edc11dd6aI’m not usually a fan of non-neutral/warm nail polish tones, but there is something about these cobalt blue nails that I kind of love. And, not that I need a reason to go to Target or buy another thing of nail polish, I very well may have to (and I should also get myself a few gold rings as well… only right if I want to do the look justice.)

Wavy Lob

943c12f1961bd8ed884a396f694789ffSo I finally bit the bullet and chopped my hair off. Considering I have been contemplating doing it for over a year now, I figured once summer ended it was as good a time as any to stop talking about it and just do it. And I must say, I am kind of in love with my lob (long bob), especially when I curl it a bit and because it has cut my hairstyle time in half. I do miss the five inches of hair I removed from my head, but I’m enjoying the change of pace…. even though I’m already ready to grow it back.

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Favorite Things

Maybe it’s just me, but I feel like I blinked & summer disappeared.  Somehow it’s August, and before I know it’ll be fall, then winter, then spring & summer, and a whole other year of my life will have flashed before my eyes without a second thought. My parents, aunts & family members have always warned me that time becomes more fleeting as we age, but if this is how fast time moves at 23, I am terrified to experience a year of my life 20 years from now.

In some respect, it does make me want to make each and every day count even more than I ever have in the past. Go after what I want, take risks and ensure I worked as hard as I possibly could to get exactly where I want in life. On the other hand, just thinking about that stresses me out and makes me want to pop a bottle of wine and take a nap. Which, with the weather being as nasty as it is today, is exactly what I plan to do.

Meiko, “Bad Things”

I love this song. I want to play it on repeat every time I start to question the decisions I’m making (or not making) and just remember to take a deep breath, relax, and have a little fun. Worry tomorrow, do what I want today.

OPI in Strawberry Margarite=ac28ba00e5290e699f672e7d139311d38It may not be Essie, but it sure looks pretty fab to me. Plus I’m about anything referencing my dear friend Jose Cuervo.

Lorde, “Royals”

So not only is this singer Lorde uber talented, but she is also 16. Nothing makes you feel less adequate than seeing someone much younger than you have their shit way more together than you can currently dream of.

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Favorite Things

This has not been a good week for my imaginary love life. At all. To the point where I had multiple, unrelated friends call to make sure I wasn’t hanging from the rafters. My main squeeze, Maroon 5’s sexy frontman Adam Levine, is engaged, to some ugly 24 year old, exotic Victoria’s Secret model. Whatever. I smell nice.

I mean, if he’s happy then I’m happy. But let’s be serious. He’s not marrying me (yet.) He really has no idea what is going to make him happy or not. Don’t worry Levinester, sooner or later, it’ll happen.

Lana Del Rey “Summertime Sadness (Cedric Gervais Remix)”

I love this song. In my mind it’s the perfect “Saturday night in the summer, out on the town, looking hot” anthem. All I need is a vodka soda and a pair of sky high heels and we are good to go.

Pop of Sparkle Nails

75bd6ae278127ced5814b16909a01446What a great combo. I love the solo blinged out nail, and white and gold always compliment a summer tan. Plus, this is a nail design I can actually achieve at home without looking like I let a three year old give me a manicure. Win.

“Fried” Bananas

55a24e3c478a8821669ed7a550343c5aThis is my new favorite desert ever, probably because it’s delicious, filling & zero calories. Just slice up a bananas (or three if you’re me), spray some cooking spray in a hot pan, and let it sizzle. Once they start to get golden brown (depends on how hot your pain is,) flip until the other side is nice & crunchy. Remove from the heat and sprinkle with a little cinnamon and salt. So good!

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Favorite Things

Hello and happy summer! I hope everyone’s lives the last few months have been absolutely fantastic, and while I haven’t posted anything in awhile, this blog was never far from my mind, constantly thinking how I really need to get something new up before 2014.

I don’t know what it is about the Fourth of July, but I distinctly remember coming out of a blog hiatus this time last year and posting something (in fact, I’m pretty sure I typed it on my parents’ deck, with a cocktail or two in my hand…. which in my opinion is the only way to blog.) Regardless of why July 4th lights a blogging firecracker under my ass, cocktail or no, it’s still one of my favorite times of the year. Nothing makes you feel like a good ol’ redneck than a little patriotism, even if you were born & bred in wasp-y Pennsylvania.

Sparklers d38124aee561de743cc16271174f5fa7I love sparklers. Even with lots of hairspray & a sometimes set of highly flammable acrylic nails, you can’t keep me away from these suckers.

Patriotic Nails

3c31060a80202003b8b626c551691c5bI love this patriotic, almost nautical manicure. The stripes, sparkle & cherry red combo is perfect without being overtly annoying. I’m personally not crafty or skilled enough to do this to my own nails, but not-so-secretly wish I was. Adorable.

OneRepublic, Native

I l-o-v-e love OneRepublic’s new album. Every song is easy on the ears, and remind me of sunshine, summertime, and blasting in the car with my window. Right from first listen I thought it was a commercial-worthy tune, and then when I heard it on a promo for The Office series finale a week later, I knew NBC thought so too.

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