Favorite Things

Well, this has certainly been an interesting couple of days. I know this is totally par for the course as a young professional in my twenties, but lately I feel as if every time I get my act together just a bit, something comes along and metaphorically knocks the wind out of me again.

From relationship bullshit to family drama, I seem to be getting hit with it all lately, and while it is making great blog fodder, it’s also driving me a little crazy. Can’t homegirl catch a break every now & then? I’m not asking for a life vacation…. just a minute to breathe. Or drink. Whatever is more convenient.

Bethany Joy Lenz, “Blue Sky”

So last night something wonderful happened. I discovered my fave Bethany Joy Lenz (formerly Galeotti) released a digital EP via BTF Concerts. Now when I say this is the best thing to happen to me in a long time, it is not a vast over exaggeration… it’s a dream come true. Homegirl is a music genius, and I have been crossing my fingers & toes for years now in hopes that she will be sending some new tunes my way. Even though I already own a few bootlegged versions of some of the tracks (“Devil Archerists,” “Then Slowly Grows”) I really couldn’t care less and will happily be skipping lunch the next few days in order to compensate for this $12 musical gem.

Soft Gray Braided Infinity Scarf


I love me a good infinity scarf, and this soft grey braided beaut is no exception. The intermixed braiding adds a unique pop of texture and the color is a perfect compliment to a summer tan.

Top & Bottom Mint Mani


Okay, so I totally just made that name up on the fly, but I think it’s a great way to explain this adorable nail creation. Again, this makes me wish I was much more skilled when it comes to in depth nail designs. As much as I love my fave Essie “Lady Like,” it’d be fun to mix it up every now and then.

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Favorite Things

They say, “dress for the job you want, not the job you have.” Well, I think I need to start living by this philosophy, but not only dressing for the job I want, the life I want (though wearing full-scale ballgowns for when I accept that Oscar while running to the grocery store may not be the most practical thing to do)… but for the weather I want: warm, sunny, and free-tan (aka via actually, versus artificial, sunshine) worthy.

This is a theory I am not-so-smartly testing out at my office today. While it may be a breezy 65 degrees outside, it’s a frigid 50 degrees max surrounding my desk. And even with my space heater cranked to max heat, the sundress & sandals combo I chose to wear today may have overshot the “dress for the weather you want” new life motto. It’s so freaking cold in here, I can feel my leg hair growing back as I type.

Sarah Simmons, “Wanted You More”

While Juliet Simms live performance of “Roxanne” may be my hands down favorite moment of The Voice, as far as this season is concerned, I am absolutely obsessed with Sarah Simmons. Homegirl can sing! Love her cover of “Wanted You More”…. looking forward to hearing more Sarah Simmonds music in the immediate future.

Nude, Gold & Glitter Nails


What a great combination. The perfect amount of subtly, metallic and sparkle, I need to find a way to get my nails to look like this ASAP.

Oven-Roasted Sprouts


I have a serious brussel sprouts obsession, and roasting them in the oven is my absolute favorite way to eat and sneak on these green bundles on yum. Salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, 400 degrees for 45 minutes… Perfection.

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Favorite Things

So I wrote this post last Friday, and never had a chance to finish, which upset me because I thought I sounded pretty damn funny. Luckily (or not so luckily) for me, it was just as applicable to this Friday as it was to last.

I have a love/hate relationship with the rain. Mostly hate. Okay, other than the fact that it’s basically a free car wash, I hate it.

I don’t have cute rain clothes. My hair turns into a disaster. My umbrellas have a habit of flipping inside out, totally defeating the purpose of having an umbrella. I fear for my life everytime I hit the road, because apparently driving in inclement weather was not a priority in Maryland driving schools.

Most importantly, it makes it impossible for me to remain a motivated. When it rains, I want to curl up under the covers, tap a box of wine, pop in a movie & fall asleep on my sofa all cozy, comfortable & slightly inebriated. Very hard to do when I am metaphorically (and sometimes literally) chained to my desk from 8:30 to 5, Monday through Friday.

But a girl can dream.

Tim Williams, “Stilts”

I love this song. To me, this song screams summertime at the pool, soaking in the sunshine and drinking an umbrella-fashioned cocktail. That may be hard to tell on this rough live version, but trust me, it’s definitely worth the iTunes download.

Bibb Necklaces


I need another necklace like I need a hole in my head, but this one is just so lovely, even though it is basically identical to my favorite necklace. Not saying I need it, not saying I am buying it, but should you be so inclined to buy me a present, this would be a good one.

Nude & Neon Manicure


Wouldn’t be a Favorite Things without talking about nail polish. What a great twist on a classic, don’t you think? If I could paint a french mani on my own nails, I would definitely give this style a spin. Perfect for summer.

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Favorite Things

Being a girl is so confusing sometimes. Not that I would want to be a guy, because they have their own clusterfuck of problems, but yesterday in the midst of my white girl meltdown, I couldn’t help but think that if I were a dude, this meltdown would not be happening in the first place. And if it did, the meltdown would most certainly be fixable with the 85 degree weather & a cold beer.

If I am being honest, those do sound like fixable, if not temporary solutions to my meltdown, but I am thinking more along the lines of a vodka soda and two hours outside to catch a tan. Yeah, I could definitely make that work.

Justin Timberlake, “Mirrors”

Oh JT, you get me every time. This song is 8 minutes of perfection, and it has been on repeat like nobody’s bidness the past couple of days. I may or may not have also been busting out some “sitting at my desk dance moves.” Good thing my cubicle walls are tall.

Hunter Hayes, “I Want Crazy”

To me, warm weather means country music, and I am loving this new Hunter Hayes number. What a cutie. Is it wrong that I have a mega-crush on an 18-year-old country version of Justin Bieber? I’m thinking no.

Everyday Curls


A few months ago I made the decision  to buy a curling wand, and I must say, it was the smartest thing I could have ever done. At first I thought it would be used for “special occasion” hair, but now that I am in the curling rhythm I can’t help but rocking the hairstyle more and more. I look hot and I’m not afraid to show it.

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Favorite Things

Happy Thursday! With this week creeping by, I wanted to make an effort to get a Favorite Things post up sooner rather than later, especially considering Friday is the home opener for the Orioles, and there is a slim-to-none chance I will be blogging considering I took the day off work & plan to enjoy every last free second of it.

To me, baseball season always officially marks the beginning of spring… so good thing it’s 50 degress & windy as anything outside. I just want it to be warm & sunny; I have some very cute sandals I would love to dust out of storage, along with a pair of white skinnies & a few fantastic denim jackets. And while my Jergen’s supplied tan is sufficient for now, I’d really like to have a tan last longer than the time between showers.

Jason Aldean, “Tattoos On This Town”

From the very first minute I heard this song, I was hooked. I mean, talk about a “wham, bam, thank you ma’am,”  smack-you-in-the-face guitar intro. The song has great build & depth, plus it’s just a fun listen. Worth hitting play more than once if you ask me.

Nude & Turquoise Chevron Nails


I wish I was talented enough to paint this adorable springtime combo on my fingers. Love the turquoise contrast with the subtle nude shade, plus anything with a chevron design is OK in my book.

Neon Accessories


Talk about a fun pop of color for an otherwise super subtly look, and I love the texture/patten this hot pink clutch is rocking.

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As you might be able to tell based off my blog yesterday, I have recently been venturing into the Samantha Vault of Stories Past. Enjoying the fruits of my labor, while also giving myself a complex over the fact that I used to be a much better writer, has been both beneficial and tormenting at the same time.

On the one hand, it has been nice to track my journey as a writer & human being; but at the same time, it makes me realize that I am not necessarily where I thought I would be in my 23rd year of life, not necessarily where I want to be… and I can’t help but wonder where I veered “off track,” if I really am off track, or if this is just life.

Other than noticing a decrease in my personal writing prose, one blog post sticks out in my mind in terms of life track gone “awry.” Written December 28, 2011, for this blog, it depicts a check list of everything I would like to accomplish in the coming years. While some happened naturally, and others didn’t happen at all, I can’t help but feel like in the grand scheme of things, my life check list train never left the station.

Let’s discuss my accomplishments & failures:

  • Learn to love running. Not only did this not happen, I am pretty sure this is never going to happen. Sorry ’bout it, but I would rather spend double the amount of time hiking/elliptical-ing, not eating/dancing/dodging through moving traffic in high heels… than I would running. Think I’m over exaggerating? Well considering I almost bought a new workout hoodie with the words “Running Sucks” plastered across the back, I’d say my hatred is pretty real and isn’t dying anytime soon.
  • Run a 5k. Considering I don’t even like running in the first place (see above), I highly doubt this is going to happen.
  • Run a half marathon. Start training for a half marathon. Yeah right.
  • Pull a Carrie Bradshaw and take a lova’. This item is still a work-in-progress. I did, however, find myself a “seasonal man friend,” but nothing happened/happens/will ever happen with that, it’s just a term of endearment/insanity. Besides I am pretty sure he bats for the other team if you catch my drift.
  • Graduate college (hopefully I do not eff up the last three classes I need to take and accomplishing this goal does not become a problem. At all.) Thank god this actually happened. No offense to all of my super-senior friends, but I am very happy about the fact I received my undergraduate diploma right on time. That’s not saying I don’t miss being in college, because I do. Much more than I ever thought I would.
  • Get a killer “big girl” job. A job? Yes. Killer? Not so much.
  • Get an amazing “big girl” apartment. While my apartment has seen its fair share of minor problems, over all it is still pretty fantastic.
  • Have an awesome New Years. I have had some great New Years, and some not-so-great ones, but I’m hoping one year (sooner rather than later), I can cross epic NYE off my list.
  • Have a Valentine on Valentine’s Day. Once again I came pretty close, but in the end I was my own Valentine. I did have my seasonal man friend cook me dinner, along with 5 other people… AND he got me flowers, which was so sweet. But strictly platonic.
  • Get a dog. I can blame this one on the fact that pets are not allowed in my apartment.
  • Not kill a plant that someone gives me. I have yet to kill the fern that came with my desk. And no, it’s not plastic.
  • Learn to love walking in high heels. Not only do I love walking in high heels, but I wear them almost exclusively. If nothing else my shoe collection has vastly improved since 2011.
  • Start to nap. I guess I have a few recent weekend naps for fun that I can use to count towards this goal. That being said I will never be a regular napper.
  • Go to Thursday night yoga class more than once a year. I probably haven’t gone since before I wrote this… whoops.
  • Get over my fear of heights. I haven’t gotten over my fear, but I haven’t been in a scenario to challenge myself. I realized though, it’s not the height I’m afraid of. It’s the possible fall.
  • Go zip lining. Haven’t been given the opportunity. But I also haven’t gone out of my way to find an excuse to go.
  • Continue to not drink soda. Well considering I had two sodas with lunch today, I am going to call this one a fail.
  • Give up something else I love to eat (chocolate and alcohol would be too difficult… I’m thinking bread.) I don’t really eat carbs (especially on their own) so this is a maybe.
  • Accomplish one thing on this list.

After running through the run down, there are definitely a few more successes than failures (which is not what I assumed would be the case.) I have also realized that while, for the most part, these goals remain tried & true, I have a few more important things on my mind I would like to accomplish:

  • Apply to graduate school.
  • Get a better understanding of what I want from my career.
  • Write more.
  • Read more.
  • Spend time outside.
  • Learn to not take things so personally.
  • Budget my money more wisely.
  • Relax.

Sounds simple enough to accomplish, but the older I get, the more I learn my life will always be a work in progress versus a series of finite items/goals checked off an arbitrary list. But as long as I moving towards a better version of myself, progress is fine by me.

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Ghost of Blogging’s Past

As a former journalism major of Towson University, I have grown quite accustomed to the ins-and-outs of the world of WordPress. Every class meant a new blog, video, byline, biography, hook, and three creative-intensive months of my life. While difficult, the end results were almost always worth the struggle, and I reflect back to some of the copy as my strongest work yet.

One blog that I am particularly fond of is a “do-it-yourself” budget/shopping guide circa my junior year spring semester… aptly named Stylishly Smart. Over the course of three months, I gave advice on how to build and live off of a budget of your own creation. This site also saw the birth of my favorite “Favorite Things” posts. Close to my heart, I still reference this site when I am struggling to find the words I desperately want to say, knowing that if I could knock it out of the park with a subject as foreign to me as saving over spending, I can certainly string together a few sentences about nail polish.

So, in celebration of Stylishly Smart, I wanted to share with you all the post I am most proud. If nothing else, you will learn that I can certainly talk the talk when it comes to saving money, even if I can’t walk the walk.

Guidelines for a Girl Who Likes to Break the Rules

I was recently inspired by an article I read on cnnmoney.com that aimed to teach its readers how to make and live off of a budget. However their guidelines weren’t all that applicable to my life, as it was directed towards readers who are older, wiser and have more fiscal responsibilities than I do. So I decided to create a new set of instructions for how to manage your money and why, with the hope that these instructions would resonate better with broke, busy college students who are still learning how not to indulge and the importance of acting like an adult when it really matters.

1. Rules are unavoidable if you can’t say no.

If you are like me, and can pretty much always find something to buy, when you want to buy something, just to buy something, then you know monitoring your money is the only way of staying under shopping control.

2. The easiest way to follow a set of rules  is to tailor them to best fit your lifestyle.

Start keeping a list of everything you spend your money on and how much it costs.

Additionally, create a set of categories (rent and bills, groceries, food and beverages, entertainment, clothing, etc.) to characterize all of the ways you spend your money and then rank those categories based on level of importance. Highlight the items on your list in colors specified to each category to see exactly how your money is being spent.

By having your purchase history color-coded in front of your face, it should help you curb purchases in certain categories (clothing, beauty) and save extra money for purchases in more important categories (bills, groceries.)

3. Don’t let budgeting run your life.

It is important to pay attention to how you are spending your money, but budgets are meant to be used as general guidelines for your life, not hard and fast rules for controlling your bank account. If you start becoming too afraid to spring for the fresh over canned vegetables because the canned vegetables are cheaper, it might be time to reevaluate.

5. Don’t stop keeping track of your spending just because you are getting a handle on it.

Its easy to let your spending habits become out of control if you stop paying attention. Remember, it has already happened once before, which is why you started budgeting in the first place.

6. Spending more than what you have in your bank account is NEVER a good idea.

You are not obligated to spend your entire paycheck every time you deposit it into your bank account. Having savings built up is a good thing.

7. Buying what you need is always more important than buying what you want.

Necessities first. Always.

8. It’s okay to indulge.

Living off of a budget is easier than expected if you let yourself buy luxury items every once in awhile. Instead of shopping every week just for the thrill of always wearing new clothing, save your leftover cash flow for something worthy of your hard earned money. It doesn’t even have to be a big, expensive purchase, but you will enjoy it much more when shopping is a special occasion not a regular occurrence.

Now to the big question… does all of this really make a difference? At the end of the day, you are capable of spending your money however you want, and regardless of the rules you set for yourself, no one but you can stop you from breaking them. But I like to think about it this way: If I spend my money however I want, whenever I want, I am not going to be able to afford that leather jacket from UK clothing import AllSaints Spitalfields that I have been dying to add to my wardrobe, and will instead be shopping in the clearance section at Walmart. Although shopping at Walmart has its perks- I love a good blue light special- in the long run my wardrobe will benefit much more from a quality leather jacket then one made of polyurethane.

Thanks to the guidelines I have set for myself, I can confidently attempt to keep track of when I spend and when I save, and the next time I venture out into the wonderful world of retail, I will feel prepared to smartly navigate through all of the sales and bargains that lie ahead.

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Favorite Things

Happy Friday! (And Happy Good Friday/Easter Weekend to all my non-Jewby friends. To all my fellow Jews, Happy Passover/Carb-free Week! If you are like me and loathe matzoh unless it is slathered in chocolate, a late night binge on pizza isn’t that far off anymore, so hang in there.)

This week has been crazy per usual, and I am so happy the weekend is here…. even though it does feel like it took particularly long to arrive. People have been getting on my nerves more than usual this week, but I just think that’s because my boss is on a Passover hiatus and I am currently swamped at work, so it’s been hard not having someone to bounce ideas off of or vent to. Ironically, though, the things that have been unnerving me more than usual have nothing to do with my office (well, not more than they usually unnerve me.)

The things crawling under my skin this week seem to be gym-related. I don’t know if maybe I am just not up-to-speed on all of the latest workout “etiquette,” but for the most part, I thought rules of politeness are tried and true for a reason.

Particularly (in no particular order) I can’t comprehend:

  • Gym clothing attire: Okay, so this is more a bafflement on my part than a broken rule, but to the kid dressed at my gym “working it” on the elliptical next to me as a wannabe Justin Bieber, pull up your pants, take off you man jewelry and ditch the trucker hat. You don’t look like a badass, just an ass.
  • Cleaning cardio machines post-workout: I’m sorry, but when did it suddenly become OK to not wipe a machine down following a downpour (or baby rainfall) of sweat? I didn’t realize it was now my job to clean off your bodily fluids after and before my workout. But seriously, it takes 3.5 seconds to swipe a paper towel around a treadmill. Live up to your over-priced and under-used Nike sneakers and just do it.
  • Personal workout space (or lack thereof): Maybe it’s just me, but when I am at the gym sweating my butt off, I don’t want people all up in my business. I value my breathing room, and often will go for a machine with a blocked view of my favorite TV program if it means extra space. So when the gym is empty, please don’t pick the machine right next to me, when there are 5 more of the exact same machines without me next to it. I don’t want to be around you in normal circumstances, so don’t crowd around me when I am trying not to fall/faint.
  • Wearing perfume/cologne instead of deodorant: Point blank, not the same thing.
  • Spending more time fidgeting with your music than you do working out: You can listen to music at home, and I want the machine you’re “using.” Go away.

Maybe I just need to start working out at 11 at night. Then again, if I am sleep-deprived with these kinds of problems, I’ll be even more of an internal bitch than I already am, so that’s probably not the best plan.

Alexz Johnson, “Natural Disaster”

I have loved Alexz Johnson for years. I think she has an amazing voice and is incredibly talented. As I find myself longing for new episodes of Instant Star (mind you, it hasn’t aired since my junior year of high school), I have been humming some favorite songs from the show, including the one above, to myself more and more, hoping and wishing that it’ll make a comeback. Not likely, but you can’t blame a girl for trying.

Shoulder-Length Shag


Soon-to-be new hairstyle? I’m thinking yes.


I wish I was talented enough/patient enough to do this to my nails. But I love the coral/black/white combo. So if any of my friends are offering, yes, I will let you do this to my fingertips.

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Favorite Things

Happy Spring! Well sort of, right?

As us East Coasters know, while Punxsutawney Phil has declared it springtime, my snow day off work yesterday would beg to differ. That being said, I am tired of whining about how cold it is and how much I hate being pale, and am ready to get to bitching about how hot the outside world is, and how I just want to drink margaritas and work on my tan. So springtime, hurry the eff up… Preferably before Opening Day next Friday. I have some white skinnies I’d love to wear.

The Civil Wars, “Barton Hollow”

As my friend pointed out to me  over St. Patrick’s Day weekend, I listen to a lot of “weird” music — acoustic, folk, off-the-beaten path rock — something I happily own up to. This song by The Civil Wars perfectly fits the “weird” vibe I often crave in a tune; great guitar backing, solid melody, rock vibe with a country twist…. aka listening perfection.

Tribal Nails


Turquoise? Check. Chevron? Check. Sparkle? Check. Soon to be slathered on my fingertips and tootsies? Absolutely.

One Tree Hill 


Lately I have re-fallen down the OTH rabbit hole, thanks to a broken cable box and a subscription to Netflix. That being said, I am in no way complaining. I was barely prepared emotionally for this show to end last year, so to be able to re-live all of my favorite moments (Peyton & Jake, all of Season 4… especially the state championship game) has been a dream come true. I know I have a problem when all I do is think about the next time I will be able to park it in front of my iPad for some Lucas Scott time, but I really just don’t care.

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Favorite Things

Happy Friday All!

Sorry it has taken me a month or so to get a post up here! The past few weeks have been absolutely insane… we had a work trade show a few weeks ago that I had a bunch of graphic design projects I needed to create, our office manager/other marketer retired so my workload doubled, and I just got back from a verrrrrrry relaxing mini-vacation in Florida. While mostly good things, free time to blog has been limited.

In addition to the past couple of work weeks being crazy busy, the office has become more interesting lately with a few of my office friends and I making a greater effort to create a more engaging environment. So now in addition to engaging in office gossip, we have created…

  1. A lunch club: myself and two coworkers alternate bringing in Pinterest lunch recipes to share. We have only had one actual week of lunch club so far, but it has been absolutely delicious.
  2. A book club: First on the docket… Gillian Flynn’s “Gone Girl.”
  3. A weight-loss competition: I have always eaten fairly healthily and made it a point to exercise, but have definitely fallen off the wagon the past few months. Being in a competition with two other coworkers to see who reaches a 25 lb. weight loss goal over the next few months is just the motivation I need to get my butt in gear.

Anyway, now to the good stuff…

P!nk featuring Nate Ruess, “Just Give Me a Reason”

I don’t think I could be more obsessed with this song if I tried. I literally have been listening to it non-stop since I downloaded it a few days ago. I wake up humming it, I go to bed with it stuck in my head. It’s bad. But not really, because the song is just that good.

Baltimore Orioles Nike Women’s Racerback Tank


Super cute. Purchased just in time for opening day…. or in other words, a Friday off of work spent day drinking downtown.

Vacation Diets


Well worth every calorie, but it’s a very good thing I am now part of the office weight loss competition. I would like my pants to fit again.

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