Tag Archives: floral wedges

(76) Favorite Things

This has been one of the longest, most draining weeks of my entire life. I completed 25 hours at work, 17 hours at my internship, and managed 12 credits worth of classes. Add to that homework, a social life, grocery shopping, laundry, cooking, cleaning, sleep, whatever…. it’s safe to say I need a nap and a cup of coffee just from thinking about everything I did again.

This upcoming week is spring break, and while I am staying in Maryland and soaking up all of the gorgeous weather we are having, it has not been lost on me that this is probably my last spring break. Ever. I graduate from college May 25th at 2 p.m. (but whose counting) and as of right now plan on venturing into the 9-to-5 business world — as long as I can find a job… insert unsubtle note to anyone hiring here (wink, wink) — and not head off to full-time graduate school or a career in education where things like spring break and summer vacation still exist. To say that is incredibly overwhelming and terrifying is an understatement. Add that to the crippling fear all soon-to-be college graduates face of, not only not being a student anymore, but not being able to find a job, and it’s not only not fun, but extremely panic attack inducing.

Deep breaths, lots of alcohol, and a good splash of Favorite Things will help turn it all around.

Neon Trees, “Everybody Talks” 

I love me some Neon Trees, and upbeat summer anthems. Put those two things together and you get “Everybody Talks.” With a great musical arraingemet, catchy hook and punchy lyrics, I can’t help but want to roll my car windows down every time this tune is playing, turn up the volume and rock out.

China Glaze in Flip Flop Fantasy

This color is amazing. The perfect spring/summer hue. It’s bright enough that it goes with every skin tone, but not so overwhelming that it’s sassiness annoys you after five minutes of looking at it.

Gap Floral Wedge Sandals

I bought these shoes two days ago and have already worn them three separate times. They are awesome. Super cute and comfy, so easy to walk in, and the amount of compliments they attract are in-sane. I literally cannot stop thinking about how much I love these shoes and absolutely cannot wait to wear them again.

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Filed under (500) Days of Samantha